Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received. I Peter 4:10

Mission & Service at FirstChurch

There are many ways to serve at First Methodist Church, San Angelo. If you would like more information about any of the specific ministries of FirstChurch, please call the Church Office at (325) 655-8981.


The church has sent MANY mission teams to Costa Rica, which is in Central America. The teams are hosted by Methodist missionaries, Ray & Lidia Zirkel, who live in San Jose. Teams do construction work and provide Vacation Bible School to local children while they are there, and range in size from 16-24 people. No experience needed – all skill levels are needed. You do not need to know Spanish.

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Mission Statement

Inspired and empowered by Christ's love, the First Methodist Church mission team of San Angelo journeys to Costa Rica to serve alongside our brothers and sisters in faith. Through construction and collaboration, we aim to build a lasting sanctuary, strengthen the local community, and share the message of God's grace.


More Ways to Service

BLESSING BOX - Located in the front of the church outside the courtyard. Nonperishable foods can be taken to the church office. Please only pop top cans and snack size items. Please do not purchase family size items.

CHANCEL FLOWERS - Honor or memorialize someone, or a specific group, by placing flowers at the chancel area in the sanctuary. Call Dori Wegner (254-718-6189) or email her @

CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES – Meals for children temporarily removed from homes. Call Brenda Stone for more information @ 325-656-0679.

COMMUNION STEWARDS – Needed at 8:30 and 10:45 services. Call Cathy Hubbard @ 325-450-3590.

LAUNDRY LOVE - Contact Candis Hicks for more information @325-763-7387 or email her at

METHODIST ASSISTANCE - Thursdays from 1:00-4:00pm. Provides helps with utility bills and transportation.

SOMEBODY’S RUSTY - Contact Candis Hicks @ or call 325-763-7387 for information. Always a need for good walking shoes (tennis shoes), underwear and new socks in the packaging.

SOUP KITCHEN – First Friday of the month. Wesley UMC - 301 W. 18th MLK Blvd. 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Contact Beth McCrea at or the church office @ (325) 655-8981.

TEXAS RAMP PROJECT - Contact Pastor Dale at the church for forthcoming dates @ 655-8981.

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - Is a shoebox gift ministry that serves children in over 100 countries throughout the world. Shoeboxes are decorated and filled with gifts for children. In November, the boxes are collected locally and distributed by OCC all over the world.

MEALS FOR THE ELDERLY - Volunteers from the church assist the San Angelo Meals for the Elderly Organization by delivering meals to those in need during the months of March and September. Meals are delivered during the lunch hour, and routes are available all over town. Sign up to deliver once or several times during the months. FMI contact Sandy Pedersen. Click to see First Church Deliver Meals in March!